Press Package

Mike Manhas, a recovering addict, understands the challenges individuals who struggle with addiction face in social settings where alcohol and drugs are prevalent. He founded SoberFest by way of his ReWired Recovery Foundation, an alcohol-free music and comedy festival, to provide a safe space for recovering addicts and to raise funds for addiction treatment. The festival, held in Langford in 2022, was immensely successful and raised more than $272,000 in funding for addiction treatment.

Manhas expressed his gratitude to the performers, vendors, and treatment organizations who donated their time to help make the event a success. The festival was sold out three-and-a-half weeks before the actual day, and Manhas feels honoured and grateful to have been a part of it.

The fundraising total included cash and in-kind services from the recovery facilities involved. Manhas mentioned that the event would help five people advance their recovery journeys. These individuals will be sent to second-stage housing, where they will receive three to nine months of treatment, along with recovery coaching or counselling.

Manhas, who celebrates nine years of sobriety this October, hopes to make SoberFest an annual event to continue helping those struggling with addiction. He believes that even being able to help one person a year is a miracle, but he hopes to do more.

Festival-goers expressed their enthusiasm for seeing SoberFest happen again in the future. The 2022 event has also gained support from Sheila Malcolmson, B.C.'s minister of mental health and addictions, who attended the festival. Malcolmson commended the community for coming together and inspiring each other in their recovery journeys. She expressed that events like SoberFest are important in affirming that substance use challenges are a healthcare problem, not something to be ashamed of.

2023 has a big goal of doubling the amount donated from last year. To do so, your support and coverage are needed!


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